IRI Point of View: Understanding Purchase-Based Targeting


An IRI Point of View Report

The “spray and pray” approach to digital advertising is wildly ineffective in today’s marketplace, where consumers are demanding personalization.

The ascension of digital media through the proliferation of consumers’ anywhere/anytime devices has triggered the most dramatic disruption to roil the media supply chain in our lifetimes. Digital media enables advertisers to reach millions of consumers across multiple platforms with messages personalized for discrete target groups in a matter of minutes.

And yet advertisers insist on outdated mass messaging tactics, often causing harm to the brand and greatly limiting return on advertising spend (ROAS).

Download this report for a better understanding of personalized targeting. You’ll learn how to avoid the “Four Targeting Pitfalls” and employ the type of purchase-based targeting strategy that has been seen to boost ROAS by up to 20 percent and lift by three times.

Get the report!

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