RetailWire m•Papers™ – Multi-platform, digital whitepapers for always-connected execs

Business People Meeting Conference Discussion Corporate Concept
The proprietary RetailWire m•Paper™ is uniquely designed to be easily consumable on desktop, mobile, tablet or in print in a concise format that quickly engages the intellect and motivates follow-up with the sponsor.

RetailWire RetailWire provides a turnkey package, including: information gathering; copy writing; graphic design; interactive development; web hosting; and the option of marketing and distribution via RetailWire.

  • Targeted to our engaged audience;
  • Thought-leadership approach that informs while advancing the sponsor’s philosophy;
  • All-inclusive program includes content development and marketing.
  • Third-party objectivity — association with the premier online discussion venue in retailing;
  • Solid sourcing — grounded in fact-based research and respected sources.

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