[GUIDE] Get More From Your Fraud Scoring Software

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Ecommerce fraud is on the rise, growing nearly twice as fast as aggregate ecommerce sales.

Most retailers have adopted fraud management or fraud scoring tools to mitigate increased risks of fraud, but these tools come with a hidden cost — “false declines.” In fact, today more revenue is lost rejecting good customers than is lost to actual fraud. Don’t worry though, there are a few simple steps that you can take to ensure that you’re approving as many orders as possible while minimizing your risk of fraud.

Download this eBook for a four-step guide on how to improve your fraud review process to capture more revenue:

  • Step 1: Evaluate the top fraud solutions to find the best tool for your needs
  • Step 2: Improve your in-house fraud review process
  • Step 3: Minimize chargebacks and fraud losses
  • Step 4: Educate your finance team about the hidden fraud costs

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