Information Resources Inc.’s (IRI) PulseTM: Super Bowl XXXVI consumer packaged
goods (CPG) trends study finds beverages, beer/ale/alcoholic cider and salty
snacks at the top of the list in driving incremental supermarket food products
sales during the week leading up to the Super Bowl. Supermarket dollar sales
were up six percent versus the prior year, as more consumers likely enjoyed
the game from home, rather than going out — a general trend evident since the
9-11 tragedy. Quick, easy, at-home meal solutions, such as frozen pizza and
frozen seafood gained a major foothold (up 16 percent and 22 percent respectively
versus last year.) Comfort foods, including chocolate, ice cream and sherbet
also showed double-digit growth rates versus last year.

Standout performances were noted within each major category as determined by
incremental dollar sales during Super Bowl week versus the previous three-week
average. Carbonated beverages benefited from new products, such as PepsiCo’s
Pepsi and Diet Pepsi Twist, and Mountain Dew Code Red. Corona, Bud Light, and
Budweiser led the way within beer/ale/alcoholic ciders, while Smirnoff Ice made
a strong entry. Salty snacks leaders were Wavy Lays, Lays, Tostitos and new
Tostitos Scoops.

Moderator Comment: What can manufacturers and retailers
do to carry the sales momentum of the Super Bowl beyond the game?

Convenience and comfort (AKA indulgence) foods were the
winners as you would expect. A great game also probably helped to make sure
that less food was thrown-out afterwards. The real test for these categories
is whether the weeks following Tom Brady going to Disney World also were up
versus the previous year. [George
Anderson – Moderator


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