A broad coalition representing the three-tier system of malt beverage distribution in Ohio praised Lt. Governor Maureen O’Connor for her efforts to implement Ohio’s vertical licensing initiative that will help prevent underage access to alcohol, according to Miller Brewing Company. As the Director of the Ohio Department of Public Safety, O’Connor announced a new driver’s license configuration initiative for drivers under the legal drinking age. Rather than displaying a driver’s picture and information horizontally as is customary, drivers who are under the legal drinking age would have their driver’s license picture and information displayed vertically.

Moderator Comment: Will actions such as those taken
by Ohio help to reduce alcohol consumption by underage consumers?

Reducing the incidence of underage drinking is not just
a brewer, winery, distiller or retailer’s responsibility. Cooperation between
private and public groups is essential to tackle this societal challenge. Ohio
is an example of that. The change in licenses may not eliminate teenagers getting
drunk but it should make it tougher for them. [George
Anderson – Moderator


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