A study published in the December 2001 issue of Pediatrics shows that the introduction of a basic infection-control program in day care centers could significantly reduce the amount of sickness and its associated costs by approximately 70 percent, equivalent to an annual national saving of $974 million.

“The cost of sickness could be even higher than estimated by the study because when a child falls ill, there are good chances the illness will be transmitted to the parents, thereby increasing the number of missed workdays,” comments Joe Rubino, microbiologist for the LYSOL Brand.

According to the study conducted by Covance Health Economics and Outcome Services, the use of disinfectant products in a childcare setting is estimated to avoid annual costs of approximately $348 per child.

Moderator Comment: How can retailers raise the profile
of this health issue to build sales of personal and household cleaning products?

Cleanliness is next to profits. [George
Anderson – Moderator


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