Commons:Senyals de drets d'autor

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Copyright tags and the translation is 43% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Copyright tags and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

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When you upload a file to Wikimedia Commons you must state its license status, which must allow it to be used by anyone, anywhere, for any purpose.

Cal indicar l'origen i la llicència d'ús del fitxer que s'hi carregue. Consulteu Commons:Sobre les llicències per a un tutorial ràpid sobre aquestes.

The Upload Wizard is the easiest way to upload files to Wikimedia. It guides you through the steps to provide the information needed to upload a file, and suggests commonly used licenses. You may also use the license selector.

See Commons:Sobre les llicències for a quick tutorial about licenses. Depending on what license you choose, a "license tag" such as {{Cc-by-4.0}} is inserted into the file's description page. This will display license information on the description page, and categorize the file accordingly.

The pages summarized here describe the different types of license tag, and provide lists of the most common tags. The lists are by no means complete. New tags are added as contributors find new sources for material that can be uploaded to Commons, or find sources that should be avoided. New tags may also be added to reflect changes in local laws. Category:License tags lists several thousand license tag templates, often specific to one source.

Search by name for license tag documentation:

Does the file you want to upload come from a source such as a book, website or organization that has material that can be used freely? If so, you may find a license tag for the source in Commons:Copyright tags/Index by source.

Domini públic general

Public domain
Public domain
Main page: Commons:Senyals de drets d'autor/Domini públic general.

General public domain tags may be used to describe why a file is in the public domain based on broad criteria such as a copyright release by the author, or the date when the author died. If the file's source country is not the United States it must also have a tag that shows why it is in the public domain in the United States.

See also Category:PD license tags for a full list.

Senyals específics per estats

Main page: Senyals de drets d'autor/Senyals específics per estats.

Copyright rules vary from one country to another (see Normes sobre drets d'autor per territori). A file may be in the public domain in its country of origin based on the date of death of the author, date of publication, type of work, who commissioned the work and so on. Country-specific license tags show the reason why a file uploaded to Wikimedia Commons is in the public domain in its country of origin. For a file originating outside the United States, another tag should show why it is in the public domain in the United States.

Llicències GNU

GNU head
GNU head
Main page: Commons:Senyals de drets d'autor/Llicències GNU.

The GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) and GNU General Public License (GPL) are widely-used free documentation and software copyleft licenses. Works licensed under the GNU family of licenses may be uploaded to Wikimedia.

Llicències lliures de Creative Commons

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons License
Main page: Commons:Senyals de drets d'autor/Llicències lliures de Creative Commons.

Files with Creative Commons Attribution and Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licenses may be uploaded, but only when they do not include NonCommercial or NoDerivs restrictions. CC0 and CC-PD licenses are also accepted. See Commons:Creative Commons copyright tags for a full table of allowed Creative Commons licenses, including country specific licenses that are based on the copyright laws of the country of origin.

Altres llicències lliures

Public domain Copyleft Green copyright symbol
Main page: Commons:Senyals de drets d'autor/Altres llicències lliures.

A variety of license tags other than the GNU licenses or Creative Commons licenses indicate why a file may be freely used. Typically these apply to files from a given source, such as a website or organization, that releases material into the public domain or that allows it to be used under a license that is acceptable for upload to Wikimedia Commons.

Amb drets d'autor no lliures

Warning signFree License?
Main page: Commons:Senyals de drets d'autor/Amb drets d'autor no lliures.

A file may be tagged to show reasons why it may have an unfree or uncertain copyright status. Such a file will often be quickly reviewed and deleted.

Altres senyals

Main page: Commons:Senyals de drets d'autor/Altres senyals.

Descriptive tags give useful information about a file, such as restrictions on the use of the file in some jurisdictions. They must be supplemented by tags that describe why the file is free or in the public domain in the country of origin and the United States.

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